
You are capable of more than what you think

Friday, July 19, 2013

You are my Hero

There is no love like the love of a Brother. 

Dear Acho
I remember how I haven't expressed once of how fortunate I feel to have you in my life. Of how you boost my energy. Every time i talk with you, it gives me enthusiasm to work towards my goal. 
I am enthralled by the energy you have in you.I saw how you had influenced and impacted  people around you. I know they are highly motivated by your guidance and magnetism.
I recollect those times of my life when I had glitches and you rescued me from those times. I thank Almighty for gifting with brother like you.  

Your support ignite me in my hard times. I do not even realize how fast i pass though difficult times because i have you by my side smiling and assuring me that I have potential to move on.The way you protect me makes me feel that I am still a little girl. I sometimes wish I never grow up at all so that I can always be your little girl.

I am so fascinated by your zeal for change  and the hard work you put in your work.It makes me wonder and think "Can any person have this level of capacity to work so hard?"
We share a dream of a vibrant community.I am sure our  dream  to make a difference in the world in our own little ways will come true one day.

Acho,you give me strength to dream more, learn more and do more. 
You motivate and inspire me every day. You make me proud . I feel blessed to have a brother like you. Thank you Acho. You are my Hero.

I pray to Almighty to Protect you, Gift you with  Smiles and Fulfill all the dreams that you have for the World.
With Love
Your Lil Sis

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Under-representation of Women: Still An Issue for Bhutan

The second parliamentary election came to an end yesterday with  PDP winning the maximum seats to the Parliament  to from the new government.  With 15  seats for DPT we still have a strong opposition. However,it is concerning when  we look at the participation of women in this election . The primary round had satisfying women candidates in the parties with two Women President. However, both the parties with Women President were voted out that left very minimum women candidates for the general elections. The total women contestants was just 9 out of which only 3 won the seats to National Assembly.This accounts to just 6.3% of female out of the total candidates which is even lesser than the first election which was less than 14%.Thus Bhutan is still left with the issue of under representation women in parliament(with no women elected  to National Council).
The reasons behind very few participants needs to be researched. However, one of the leading factors is the deep rooted societal and traditional views on women leadership and gender roles. Traditionally, people always believed that it is men who should occupy the leadership positions. There are many challenges a women participants to public life face. For instance, there is lack of confidence from the electorates on Women candidates. Thus, there are very few of them who get opportunity to display their leadership qualities. I sill remember in the primary round of election how one of my friends was told not to vote for female candidate on religious ground which was negatively connoted. 

Thus, Bhutan still has stereotypical views on female leadership. Despite all the efforts made by KCD production among the electorates on the female leadership, it failed to bring change in attitude among the electorates. Even  both  the PDP and DPT failed to encourage more female participation as candidates.

Now, the question of quota arise  at this juncture. Although quota has many negative connotations related to it , it is high time Bhutan start to think about the issue of under-representation of women in parliament and about its  implementation because the incremental methods does not seems to be working in Bhutanese context in changing the attitude of people towards female leadership. Denmark took more than 60 years by applying the incremental track to bring women participation. If Bhutan waits for this long , its going to be too late for Bhutan especially when we have alternatives at hand.
Thus,there is need for quota in Bhutanese parliament. How can just 6% represent more than 50% of the population. I see it as a big challenge because women have very different approach to doing things and tackling problems. Need of the women an be understood by women themselves only.I know our Bhutanese women are modest in coming out to speak out loud compared to men but that does not make them less capable then men. Women like to work behind the scene and do less talking(entirely my view though).
Policies must ensure that it will create enabling condition for women to come out. Without female leaders the possibility of ensuring this is very less. Thus, we need more women leaders. 

Quota must be encouraged in Bhutanese Parliament. It will boost the confidence of other women to come out and in long run increase female participation. If quota is thought to be asserting inequality for  men then it must be implied only for some time until critical minimum is reached.

The equality according to international standard is measured through female participation at the leadership position (eg, parliament). Few may argue that Bhutanese women are given equal opportunities. However, equality in legality does not ensure equity in reality. We need to see the attitudes which determines how people view about women. Thus, It is high time Bhutan decide on quota system for women.

Despite having just three female parliamentarians,  I anticipate to see the first Female Minister this time.

Monday, July 1, 2013

The AfterMath

Regret is the worst  feeling.......

There are so many things we want to mend in life. Few memories we want to erase it from our brain.Few things we wish we did not do. 
Things happens and sometimes its not always what we want in life. we have no control over all that happens to us. We wish things to happen our way and when it does not, that is when we regret. Sometimes  life can be cruel to us. Yes it really can be.

It is said  that people learn through their mistakes. Do we really learn from it? I wonder because  I see no change in people even if it that mistake is committed all over again. Well then why is there" learning through mistakes".

I wish there was no thing call 'Regret' and that we can have control over few things, over our own emotions. 
People often say things happen for reason. I still wonder if things really happen for reasons. And if it happens for reasons what the reasons must be. Does that lead to better world in that person's life or does that person end up with even worst life?
Well that is what that person must realize it mindfully. 

What ever the situation may be, what ever people may say, finally its you, self, who have to face the hardships, who have to go through the whole process.
Life, situations, incidents can be terrible sometimes as it brings 'Regret', the regret of not being able to do few things, not being able to take few steps, or simply taking some steps.
Yes, aftermath is terrible  :(